Eliezer: God is my help

In Hebrew: El-ezer

Scriptures: Exodus 18:4

The context of this Bible name comes from the passage where Moses’ father-in-law comes to visit the camp of Israel, bringing with him Moses’ wife Zipporah and his two sons, Gershom and Eliezer. Interestingly, the text pauses to explain the meanings of their names. According to the text, Moses gave Eliezer his name because “the God of my father was my help, and delivered me from the sword of Pharaoh.” By “father,” I’m not sure if Moses is referring to his actual father or Abraham. To my knowledge, we are not given the name of Moses’ biological father. His statement about deliverance, though, is quite rich in its references. When Moses named Eliezer, he had at least two events in mind, and a third was to come very soon.

First, God delivered Moses from the sword of Pharaoh as an infant. As a population control measure, Pharaoh had commanded that all the male children be cast into the Nile. Thanks to the convictions of some God-fearing Hebrew midwives, the tenderness and careful planning of a mother, the watchful care of a sister, the compassion of a princess, and the providence of God, Moses was spared. Talk about a story that highlights the role women play in God’s plan! No testosterone in this tale. Just some strong women determined to care for a helpless child. God, grant us the same concern for infants in America today, for our culture would have us follow Pharaoh’s example instead.

Second, God delivered Moses from the hand of Pharaoh as a young man. When Moses saw an Egyptian beating a fellow Hebrew, he stepped in to defend him, killing the Egyptian. After burying him in the sand, he thought he would get away with his crime, but word eventually made its way to Pharaoh’s ears, and Pharaoh tried to kill him. Again thanks to God’s guiding presence, Moses escaped and fled to Midian, where he met the woman who became his wife and bore his children Gershom and Eliezer. So these two events at least were part of Moses’ psyche when he named Eliezer. He realized that, were it not for the help of God, he never would have made it to the place he was at the time.

Little did he know how God planned to help him next–He would not only deliver Moses, but the entire house of Israel from the sword of Pharaoh.